
  • Laura Rodica GIURGIU
  • Floricica Mariana CALIN



The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has caused feelings of fear and an unprecedented state of uncertainty especially for children or adults at risk.  The effects of isolation and the risk of infection can be particularly severe for those who are part of vulnerable groups, people who lack their families, and emotional or financial support. The social distancing and quarantine caused anxiety, depression, and a deterioration in physical health. A considerable number of institutionalized people do not have digital knowledge or devices to maintain virtual contact with outside world or with social services providers. In our paper we studied the effects of the interruptions or delays in the processing of application files for adoption, which occurred as a result of stopping activity of specialized social workers and institutions. Our research focused on the adoption process after the pandemic, when the procedures could be re-opened, and the children who had to wait so long, were able to meet their families again.

Our sample included a group of 30 social workers, experimented in the adoption field. A survey and an Interview Guide have been used, in order to achieve the goals and to validate the hypotheses of the research.

Author Biographies

Laura Rodica GIURGIU

Associated Professor at Psychology, Social work and Educational Sciences Department, Ovidius University of Constanta

Floricica Mariana CALIN

Lecturer at Psychology, Social work and Educational Sciences Department, Ovidius University of Constanta


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