power, promotion, gender dimension, gender practices, gender barriersAbstract
The existent agreements and beliefs in the organisational culture, predominantly male, resist the possibility to find alternatives to even the chances for promotion in an academic and scientific career for men and women. The more a person identifies with the norms and culture promoted in an institution, the more difficult it is for them to see alternatives. Acker (1990) explain that such persons (who normally have management positions), socialised in the male culture of the academic and scientific world, benefit the most from the existent arrangements and stand to lose the most if the existent practices of the academic world are changed. The European Union has been focusing on a new direction to eliminate gender obstacles in the academic and scientific world. The new approach for activities related to gender equality has focused on academic and research organisations and institutions rather than only on the women themselves. “Administration improvement” has become the new objective. One of the ways this new objective has been implemented concentrated on integrating the gender dimension into research.References
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