Elderly, old person, age limit, family solidarity, elderly home, retirementAbstract
This article examines one of the questions rarely dealt within the field of political sciences in Europe but also in Algeria known and recognized as a young and youth country. At the moment, the problems of elderly don’t appear in Algeria. This study focuses on both the social aspect of this new phenomenon and its political one. The purpose is to understand the social conception of elderly in Algeria, to underline the demographic, the historical and the legislative specificities, and to clarify the conditions in which the common mental representations relating to the age limit are constructed. Given that the Algerian society represents the traditional model very attached to the principles of solidarity but rather affected by the contemporaneity and the specificities of modern society marked by the spirit of individualism, the idea is to wonder about the elderly people in Algeria and the conditions in which the phenomenon of aging is developed. We have noticed the importance of the role of the society in constructing ideas about elderly and its influence on the actions and the attention of the state to this category of population. However, the Elderly will be in the future one of the priority areas of the Algerian national institutions.References
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