
  • Adrian NETEDU Professor PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania;


comparative sociology, differentiation process, unity of human nature, national differences, primitive society, England


Nicolae Petrescu (1886-1954) was a renowned Romanian sociologist, philosopher, anthropologist, essayist who became famous during the interwar period, through a series of scientific papers which are still up-to-date. The recent appearance of his Memoirs (2004) was a significant editorial event bringing valuable data and information, both on the human and intellectual development of this important sociologist on an international scale and on Romania’s academic world of his time. Nicolae Petrescu remains in the history of Romanian sociology for his substantiation of compared sociology through studies of primitive societies as well as for his rich philosophical and journalistic activity. In this article we intend to present a series of life events of this sociologist and the main ideas of his scientific work.


Bădescu, I., Dungaciu, D., Baltasiu, R. (1996). Istoria sociologiei. Teorii contemporane [The History of Sociology. Contemporary Theories]. Editura Eminescu, Bucureşti.

Constantinescu, M., Badina, O., Gall, E. (1973). Gândirea sociologică din România [Sociological thought in Romania]. Universitatea Bucureşti, București.

Costea, Șt. (2005). Istoria sociologiei româneşti [History of Romanian Sociology]. second edition, Editura Fund. ”România de Mâine”, București.

Petrescu, N. (1924). ”Reorganizarea socială a României” [Romania's social reorganisation]. Convorbiri literare, December.

Petrescu, N. (1924). The Principles of comparative sociology, Watts &Co, London; Romanian ed. (1994). Principiile sociologiei comparate. Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti.

Petrescu, N. (1929). The Interpretation of National Differentiations. London, Watts & Co., 1929; Romanian ed. (1994) ”Interpretarea diferenţelor naţionale”. In N. Petrescu (1994). Principiile sociologiei comparate. Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 195-345.

Petrescu, N. (1944). Primitivii. Organizare. Instituţii. Credinţe. Mentalitate [Primitives. Organisation- Institutions-Beliefs-Mentality]. second edition, Casa Şcoalelor, Bucureşti. revised, complemented and prefaced by I. Oprişan (2003), Ed. Saeculum I. O., Bucureşti.

Petrescu, N. (1947). ”Ajutorul preşedintelui Harry Truman şi al poporului American” [The Help of President Harry Truman and of the American People]. Revista Româno-americană, no. 1.

Petrescu, N. (1949). ”Şcoala funcţională a etnografiei ca motivare teoretică a imperia-lismului britanic” [Ethnographic functional school as theoretic motivation of the British imperialism]. Analele Româno-Sovietice, no. 14.

Petrescu, N. (2004). Memorii [Memoirs]. Editura Vestala (vol. 1), Editura I. Oprişan (vol. 2), Bucureşti.

Ungureanu, I. (1990). ”Suprafață și substrat” [Surface and substrate]. In Paradigme ale cunoaşterii societăţii [Paradigms of knowledge society]. Humanitas, Bucureşti, 115-123.

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