crime, children, services, measures, social workers.Abstract
The theme of crime in post-revolutionary Romania has become a ubiquitous current. The idea of a won freedom after the fall of communism in our country begins to be increasingly constrained by uncertainty and mistrust in the policies and strategies that the Romanian state adopt and implement. Political influence, incoherence and inconsistency of governing the political classes have paved the current views of developing public sector services to the incompetence, disinterest and insecurity. Promoting the idea of physical, moral, economic, socio-cultural and institutional insecurity set up a panic both at micro and macro level in terms of identifying solutions and the adoption of efficient and effective measures in limiting and preventing risks deriving from these relative contemporary truths, including casuistry crime in which the authors are children younger than 14 years.References
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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights, published in Official Gazette no. 557 dated June 23, 2004 as amended by Law 257/2013 amending and supplementing Law 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights, republished in 2014
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The public official statute in Romania by Law No. 188/1999
Other sources
Activity Reports DGASPC Iaşi 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
National Journal (accessed December 10, 2014) (accessed December 10, 2014)
Council of Europe: