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PALAGHIA, Carmen, Lecturer PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania
PALAGHIA, Carmen, Assistant lecturer, Doctoral degree candidate Departament of Sociology and Social Work „Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi (Romania)
PALAGHIA, CARMEN , Lect.PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania
PALAGHIA, CARMEN, Lect. PhD, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Bulevardul Carol I nr. 11, 700506, Iasi, Romania
PALAGHIA, Carmen, PhD Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania
PAONE, Fiorella, Universita G.d’Annunzio Chieti, Facolta di Scienze Sociali
PÂRJU, DENNIS – THEODOR, Social Worker - The General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection Iași, PhD student in Sociology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi
PASCARU, GHEORGHE, Sociologist, Programs Department, Alternative Sociale Association, No.8A Cuza Voda Street, 700036 Iasi, Romania, 004 0733 955 116
PAVELESCU, Amalia, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, Public Relations, Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu; Address: Bd. Victoriei Nr. 5-7, Sibiu, 550024, Romania; Tel: +40-(269) 21.60.68; Fax: +40-(269) 23.29.66
PELT, Veronique, Université du Luxembourg
PÉREZ BAENA, Manuel Jesús
PERLIER, Laura PETRESCU, Doctorante en sociologie, Laboratoire Cultures et Sociétés en Europe, Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme d’Alsace (MISHA), Universite de Strasbourg - France
PETRE, Radu Tudor, PhD student at School for Advanced Studies of Romanian Academy (SCOSAAR), “Costin C. Kiritescu” National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy
PETRE, Radu-Tudor, PhD student at School for Advanced Studies of Romanian Academy (SCOSAAR), National Institute of Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu”, Romanian Academy
PHILLIPPE, Terral, Université de Toulouse, UPS, UFRSTAPS, laboratoire SOI,
PÎRJU, Dennis-Theodor
PÎRVU, Cătălin, Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, str. Caderea Bastiliei nr. 36, sector 1, Bucharest, 0727260914
PITEA, Mihaela, PhD fellow within the project “Program of Excellence in multidisciplinary doctoral and postdoctoral research in chronic diseases” POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133377, UMF, Iași, telephone 0740.296.465
PITULAC, Tudor, Reader Ph.D., “Petre Andrei” University, Iasi

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