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ROŞU, Tamara Solange, Lecturer, PhD, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi, Faculty of Medicine, Romania; Pediatric physician, "St. Mary" Children's Emergency Clinical Hospital in Iaşi, Department of Pediatric Emergency, Romania
ROTARU- SÎRBU, Natalia, PhD student, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau, Moldova
RUNCAN, Patricia
RUNCAN, Patricia Luciana, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Department of Social Welfare, 4 Bd V Parvan, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
RUSU, Mihai Stelian, PhD, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, B-dul 21 Dec. 1989

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