
  • Geta MITREA



social work; labour market; career; graduate; social capital; partnership; development; Romania.


The social work domain is part of a continually changing and challenging global world and new solutions and improvements are needed as should happen in any evolving domain. The main aim of the current exploratory study was to highlight the insertion of the labour market of seven years of promotion alumni on social work from one university founded in 1990, that organizes Bachelor's Degree studies in social work and is localized in the North-East area of Romania. We used a quantitative method (questionnaire on alumni in social work) with mixed questions (closed and open ones) that provided us the means to be able to conclude that the internships and the employment rate exist due to strong community partnerships between the university and local organizations that are active in the social work domain.

This exploratory study can represent the early foundation for a sustainable image of employment and a research contribution to the social work system in Romania. According to our exploratory study results from the 174 respondents, 121 were already in the labour market during their university studies and immediately after graduation. Of the 121 respondents, 42 work in the social work system with different executive or leading attributions in public or private entities from local and national levels.

The final results helped us present the three main categories of workforce among social work alumni: social workers, specialists in other domains (not related to the social work domain), and teaching staff. They also concluded that re-qualification is frequently encountered among the options of specialists who have chosen to become social work students over the years.

Author Biography


Associate Professor PhD, University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava, Faculty of History, Geography and Social Sciences, Romania; postal address: 13 Universității Street, 720229 Suceava, Romania


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