



role, teacher's role, pupil's role, relationship, identity, having a role.


The term "role" is used to designate realities of psychosocial relationships. Consequently, the definition of the concept will always be interdisciplinary, from a psychological, sociological, praxeological, axiological, and, in the context of our work, a pedagogical one, whereby the interdependencies involved in the educational process are analyzed, in which the teacher is the coordinator and the one responsible for the effects. The various taxonomies include "roles: specialised (according to status), those that are the expression of aspirations (in essence) and assumed, organised, possible to modify, because they are created or imposed, but also have a certain degree of freedom. To these can be added permanent or current roles (in terms of temporality), individual or collective (by origin), psychosocial, pedagogical (by content), weak, balanced or strong (by consistency), flexible or rigid (by form), simple or complex (by difficulty)" (JOIȚA, E., 2000, 40). Their importance is evident from the perspective of relations between people - understood as a continuous present of joint action. The analysis focused on the teacher-student relationship is an opportunity to record psychosocial conditioning and ways to eliminate the potential for symbolic violence.

Author Biography


Mara-Sînziana Pascu, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi, România, graduated in Pedagogy.

PhD student, final year, with a cotutelle thesis elaborated at the Moldova State University, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, and "Babes Bolyai" University, Cluj -Napoca, România.

The doctoral thesis is based on research on the importance of Assumed Role Play in the teacher-student relationship. The idea of the article is generated by the theme of the thesis, which starts from the premise that role-playing creates the context for eliminating/resolving interpersonal and group conflicts.


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