



psychogenealogy in social assistance, recurrence of social problems, genosociogram, intergenerational, transgenerational, family novel


Psychogenealogy, the science of the unconscious transmission from one generation to another of the unsaid (Schutzenberger, 2016, p.17), began to gain greater visibility in the field of social assistance, as a result of the need for a deeper knowledge of the problems individual social, of their origin and manifestation to facilitate the intervention process. Although social work is on the border with other socio-human sciences, the intervention may require the reinterpretation of this border in order to understand the mental processes and the behaviors associated with them both for professionals and for the beneficiaries of social work. It is not proposed to violate the boundary of the field of psychology, but only a reconfiguration of working techniques in social assistance. The genosociogram, used by many social workers in interventions, can be enriched for the assistance field with elements regarding the contextualization of the origin of the social problems of the beneficiaries at an intergenerational and transgenerational level. This approach would support a comprehensive understanding of the risk factors regarding antisocial behaviors and their origin for a quality intervention but also a more complex collaboration in the interdisciplinary team. The invitation for the opening and deepening of these theories in social wor could contribute on the one hand to the personal and professional development of social workers, and on the other hand, it would bring significant contributions in the intervention processes of the social work field. This approach is configured in the new trends of modern social assistance, focused on learning and social pedagogy, which requires the practice of professional skills of critical thinking and creativity.

Author Biography


Nina Mihaela MIHALACHE is a PhD, Associated Professor, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iași. He holds a diploma in Social Management and Community Development and a PhD in  Sociology. He wrote articles in publications indexed in international databases and several chapters in volumes focused on the phenomenon of poverty, publishing as the sole author the volume Poverty. Individual responsibility and standard of living. The main areas of interest are intervention methods and techniques in social WORK, diagnosing and solving social problems, social mentalities, the problem of poverty and the social economy, family and couple problems, young generations, violence and antisocial behavior of children and young people. It is affiliated to the professional organization - National College of Social Workers in Romania - Iași.


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