




school social work, evidence-based social work, resilience building in students


School social work has a long history internationally, being the oldest subspecialisation in the field, and for over 20 years, emphasis has been placed on evidence-based practice. The recent events humanity has faced highlight the necessity for students to be prepared for major traumatic situations. In many countries, efforts have been made to facilitate practitioners' access to the latest research to enhance intervention effectiveness. The main purpose of this work is to highlight the most effective evidence-based intervention methods that school social workers need to use when working with students dealing with depression, age-specific anxieties, phobias, frustration intolerance, the parents' divorce, homelessness, anger, aggression, suicidal thoughts, or attempts. We present the PREPaRE Model, an effective response to school crisis situations, and an effective way to enhance psychosocial resilience in students, The Window of Empowerment and Resilience (Șoitu, 2012). Evidence-based school social work is founded on the proven-effective research for addressing emotional management, stress, and anger in (pre)adolescent students.

Author Biography


Lecturer, Ph.D, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania 



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