social design, integrated services system, long-term care, dependency, transformative approachAbstract
The future of long-term care can be prefigured or just awaited. In this article, we answer the question: Is there a need for an integrated system of long-term care services in the fu-ture? What would be the characteristics of an integrated social design of the services for the future of long-term care? We broaden, clarify, argue, and relate two concepts: “integrated social design” and “the future of long-term care”. The framework we propose in the rela-tionship of the integrated social design – the future of long-term care is considering the factors of the social design process, respectively the reporting of the economic, functional, technical, structural, aesthetic factors to the social factors in the shaping of the decisions. The shape, layout, location, infrastructure, long-term care function will always be related to the human social dominance. The results of our analysis highlight the individual path of individual, determined by lifestyle, personal and social expectations and resources, by the historical context, by the proposed solutions, and by the involvement in the outlining of the results. We also conclude on the necessary rethinking of services by involving future bene-ficiaries in their design through a participative, transformative approach. Further studies will test this paradigm.References
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