
  • Gabriela IRIMESCU PhD Associated Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania


bullying type behavior, aggression, risk factors, protective factors.


Recently introduced in our specialty literature, bullying behavior is analyzed and studied in relation to other terms of the violence area. Given the institutional type of manifesting: schools, day care centers, educational centers, workplace, etc. but the magnifying glass under which it was viewed and analyzed in this article was that ecosystem perspective. So the focus felt on understanding the phenomenon of atomic perspective and in terms of understanding the more general models. The atomic model is restricted to certain risk factors related to the victim (e.g., age, gender, disability, type of temperament, etc.), aggressor (low empathy, low self-esteem, aggressive pattern, etc.) or observer (low self-esteem, empathy, low overloading the role and status, mentality, education level, etc.) and the relationship among these factors, while more general theoretical models approach the complex risk factors involved in relational factors (control difficulties, difficulties in the exercise of power, pathological triangulation, etc.), social those (poverty, social isolation, lack of enforcement, social stress, etc.), cultural ones (belonging to a religion, an ethnic group, negative publicity, cultural acceptance of violence etc.). The two types of explanatory models are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other in contributing to understanding the phenomenon. Remembering risk factors without mentioning and protective factors too is to forget the other side of the coin. In the absence of risk factors, protective factors have no impact. Intensity of a factor, as the interaction with other factors can cause, in some cases, the quality of risk or protective.


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