delinquent children, drug use, photovoice, alternativesAbstract
This paper was done based on the rich data base obtained in the period of 2011-2013 due to the implementation of the European project Promoting the resilience of youth delinquent, which was a partnership project designed to develop a model of positive intervention for delinquent adolescents, based on supporting their resilience which can foster a better inclusion into society. Being a research method relatively little known and used, photovoice surprised the research team by the quality of the information acquired, in terms of participants' motivation for change.The research included a total of 12 delinquent childildren, with ages between 16 and 18, interned in a reeducation center and was conducted over 5 days. The special results, the involvement of the children and their "appetite" for this type of activity allows us to apriciate the usefulness of this method of research and intervention. Expected results from this study were focused primarily on identifying new types of interventions compatible with the age and education of delinquent child through activities that lead to decreased aggressiveness specific custodial environment where they are located. The most challanging situations were expected in terms of group management and discussion orientation, primarily due to the low intellectual and education level.References
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