Limbajul poetic ȋntre mimesis și catharsis: recuperări semiotice


  • Shanti NILAYA Asociaţia Română de Studii Semiotice, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” din Iași
  • D. STĂNCIULESCU Asociaţia Română de Studii Semiotice, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” din Iași


mimesis, catharsis, semiotics, living light, resonance.


That poetry is one of the first arts can be intuitively explained in terms of Aristotle’s mimesis and catharsis, by understanding that the mimetic expression of the words can be amplified by the effect of an emotional purification. Rationally, to clarify the genesis and the resonant power of the (poetic) language implies two pluridisciplinary perspectives, namely: a) the contributions of semiotics, phonology and linguistic, neuro-physiology and biophotonics, in order to justify the mimetic dimension of the words by its sonorous signifier; b) the contributions of psycho-logics and psycho-analysis connected to literary hermeneutics, able to explain how the mental images and thoughts are becoming emotional states by the “lighted” signified of the words. The both perspectives are (auto) referentially connected – for a more explicit illustration – to the poetic / metaphoric language used by the authors. In this integrative way, the paper is complex, acknowledging the assumption of sufi thinkers that our words are “sounds full of light”.


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