Transmiterea memoriei în Europa de Est: relocalizarea teoriei și narativizarea emoției


  • Andreea MIRONESCU Departmentul de Cercetare Interdisciplinar – Domeniul Socio-Uman, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași.


postcommunism, Eastern Europe memory transmission, media of memory, individual experience, life writing, trauma, politics of memory


This article discusses the state of the art in the field of memory studies in Eastern Europe, by focusing on three recent contributions: Uilleam Blacker, Alexandr Etkind and Julie Fedor (eds.), Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe (2013); Maria Todorova, Augusta Dimou and Stefan Troebst (eds.), Remembering Communism: Private and Public Recollections and Lived Experience in Southeast Europe (2014) and Simona Mitroiu (ed.), Life Writing and Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe (2015). What these collective volumes have in common is their emphasis on memory transmission and its institutions, carriers and media. Since the Western European memory theories and policies cannot be applied tale quale to Eastern Europe, the regimes of memory in this region need theoretical and practical investigation. The question of how memory is embodied and transmitted is still open for debate between theorists, while several concepts are competing for wider recognition in the field.


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