advertising, brand communication, brand associations, cognitive networks, consumer, memorization, semantic networks, semantic memoryAbstract
The purpose of this article is to establish the modalities by which the long term memory processes become involved in aquiring and processing of the comercial ads. In our endevour, we have considered the model of associative memory since this has been found to be responsible for how the advertisment „reaches” the mind of the consumers. The main hypothesis of this model is that the information is organized as cognitive networks and product folders. Each individual cognitive network that is generated by a certain product contains a multitude of significant subnetworks consisting of and labeled by the brands relative to that specific product. When such a cognitive network is being accesed, its central processing hub, and to a certain extent, the cognitive subnetworks become involved in faciltating the processing of the newly aquired information. The first part of the article is dedicated to bringing light upon how advertising companies aquire knowledge about certain aspects related to the memories of the targeted consumers. In the second part, we analyze the role of associative memory from the perspective of its involvement in the long term storage of information, including the information pertaining to certain brands. In the third part, we look into determining what kind of changes ought to occur as a result of an advertising campaign which targets the semantic network of a product. In the last part of the article, we attempt to suggest a few fundamental conditions for each comerical ad to be able to ingrain and obtain a positive associative reaction from the targeted consumers in regard to a specific brand name.References
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