
  • Georgiana ALEXANDRESCU-FIERARU Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi


European public sphere, civic participation, the Lisbon Treaty, European mass-media, European communication.


The European Union is facing, nowadays, a major communication crisis, that has enormous consequences in all its fields of activity. As all the Eurobarometres show, Europe’s citizens feel that their problems are not well taken into account by the Union, that there is no proper public space in which to make all their important issues seen, in which to express their rights. This makes that the European Union is being perceived, broadly, as an impersonal entity, located far from reality, little in agreement with citizens’ expectations. The main causes for this are the bureaucracy, the Union’s incongruities with the characteristics of every single nation-state that composes it, as well as its linguistic deficiencies and the lack of proper European mass media. However, what the Union wishes to accomplish through the Lisbon Treaty is a greater degree of transparency, as well as a better social environment for its citizens. This embellished new communicational frame proposed is starting, little by little, to generate what one would call an associative European public sphere.


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