
  • Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi


semiotics & communication, unifying methodology, graph, structural & functional analysis, communication process optimization.


Each of the problems brought up by the communication science has benefited from the implicit or / and the explicit presence of semiotics, understood both as theory and integrating methodology. In fact, as already Umberto Eco postulated, there is no semiotics without communication, because any SIGN is appearing as the germ of a potential or real transmission of meaning(s), as the “hard nucleus” of a certain communication process namely, and there is no communication without semiotics, taking into consideration that each communication process is a SEMIOSIS, an action of transmitting a complex of coherent signs (message), through a specific channel, to someone with certain effects. By valuing such a dialectics and starting from the already existent models of communication, the author proposes an integrative methodology of assuming any type of semiosis (“situations of communication”), in order to describe / control them as complete and efficiently possible.


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