
  • GABRIELA IOANA MOCAN Dr. Gabriela Mocan, Assistant Lecturer. Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, Faculty of Economics and Business Adminstration, Babeș- Bolyai University. Cluj Napoca




identity and alterity, self-presentation, external evaluation, belonging, alter- ego, becoming.


What is identity and what makes us be who we are? The concept of identity has changed considerably over the past century, the subject finding itself at the intersection of nation, gender, the rise of multiculturalism and colonial history. While we are born with no self- awareness and our first point of reference is the world outside us, navigating existence involves a constant self-analysis and the realisation that any attempt at defining ourselves will result in newer interrogations.  Aiming to provide some guidance to this relentless quest by introducing few of the key concepts used in identity research, the present paper addresses  the  fluidity  of  the  self by  focusing  on  the  identity-alterity   nexus  and  by prioritising the ‘becoming’ over the ‘being’. Identity is, thus, always shifting and never a given; it is a transitional  process oscillating between self-identification and identification made by the others, a puzzle whose interlocked pieces can be moved around and change in meaning.


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