
  • Ion Ionescu “A. I. Cuza” University, Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Bd. Carol I, no. 11, 700506, Iasi, Romania


Isolated rural communities, vulnerable groups, social services, diagnostic survey, social policies


The Department of Sociology and Social Work of the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi has conducted research in a project called "Isolated rural communities in the North-East region of Romania and innovative social services". Much of the Romanian population is at risk of poverty and social exclusion (especially in rural areas). There are many inter-regional disparities, not to mention large offsets comparing to the regions from developed European countries. In many rural areas there is no kindergarten, primary school and children have to travel long distances in order to get to such units.
For many families, the lack of transport infrastructure, the roads sometimes impassable etc. make it difficult for them to enroll their children in some form of education. There are many old people left alone at home. Through this project we sought to identify services than can contribute in preventing and reducing specific problems for isolated rural areas. We have conducted a diagnostic survey to identify social service needs and community safety in these rural communities. We have identified the social problems, the causes of problems, existing social services, the necessary social services, and the implementation projects. We have also identified community safety issues and measures to be taken. In order to achieve the objectives we have used questionnaires (representative sample at regional level), comprehensive interviews (with county authorities) and focus groups (in each county of the region, with resource people). After the collection and interpretation of the data, we realized syntheses for local information at county level and at national level (current state of social services and safety in rural communities, required services, categories of beneficiaries etc.). We have disseminated the results to optimize programs and social assistance policies targeting isolated rural communities.


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