Adnotări pe marginea lucrării „Integrarea României în sfera de influență sovietică (1944-1947)”, de Emanuel Copilaș
Cuvinte cheie:
communism, post-communism, decommunization, historiography, political analysis, RomaniaRezumat
This bibliographic essay was occasioned by what we consider to be one of the most significant editorial events of 2023, the publication of the book "Romania's integration into the Soviet sphere of influence (1944-1947). International and local perspectives", by Emanuel Copilaș. Although, apparently, there are few things left to research regarding the history of the period, Emanuel Copilaș's book draws attention to realities that are often passed over in silence and polemicizes with a historiographical direction that has become dominant within the boundaries of the Romanian post-socialist culture. This historiographical school of thought, encouraged by present day political education, tends to give the complex process of transition of the Romanian state from the capitalist monarchical regime to the communist government a much simplified representation, which hyperbolically depicts the conflicts between interests, intentions and motivations unfolding during the first post-war years in terms of a struggle between good and evil, without any attempt at contextualization. The questions raised within the pages of the book regarding the role of political interpretation of historical data open a difficult intellectual conversation, with numerous ramifications, which requires further research and inspire collateral reflections. Therefore, what was initially intended to be a simple review turned into an extended commentary, which goes beyond the boundaries of the book's subject matter and proceeds to exemplification by extensively citing various related sources.
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