
  • EMIL-ANDREI TOESCU Doctorand Emil-Andrei Toescu, Departamentul de Științe Politice, Relații Internaționale și Studii Europene, Facultatea de Filosofie și Științe Social-Politice, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași

Cuvinte cheie:

local government, e-government, social media, Facebook


Since the beginning of the early 2000s, romanians began to show an increased interest in the new tools meant to facilitate both the information of the citizens and their participation in discussions and debates. It wasn’t long before the citizens discovered the opportunities offered by the Facebook social network, thanks to which they began to move the debates in the virtual environment. The purpose of this article is to understand the degree of which the local public administration has adapted to these requirements and to what extent the halls of the county towns in Romania find a friend in facilitating the interaction with citizens through Facebook. Thus, in this paper I analyze the Facebook pages of the halls of the county towns in Romania in order to understand to what extent they have adopted the Facebook tool in the interaction with the citizens. After presenting the results obtained by each page, I will elaborate a six-step guide  that the town halls could follow in order to increase the efficiency of communication on Facebook.


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