Cuvinte cheie:
Sovereignty, nation-state, limited sovereignty, security, European UnionRezumat
The concept of sovereignty has raised intense academic debates for more than a century. The notion in itself was and is under ongoing change, evolving at the same time with the political and historical circumstances. The present work is focused on searching for an answer to the question to what degree the post-modern multi-dimensional sovereignty affects the national classical sovereignty, known also as westphalian. Moreover, it will be analyze whether the European regionalization or integration represents a limit with regard to the state sovereignty or it insures its existence itself. The hypothesis from which it is started is that it was produced an expansion, a recalibration of the semantic sphere of the concept of sovereignty, the notion not being able to be understood in a classical form because, in the globalization context, the defense of the national territory depends upon the optimal cooperation. The efficient cooperation insures the regional security, and the growing tensions in the EU lead to the increase of insecurity and, implicitly, to the increase of the national insecurity. The national sovereignty depends on the regional structure of which it is part of.Referințe
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