Cuvinte cheie:
rationalism, pragmatism, decisionism, rational choice, differentialismRezumat
The connections between the rationalistic way of founding, or politics understanding and the political life, between the rationalistic structures of argumentation, legitimation or rejection and the political decisions sphere are largely debated subjects in political theory. There are many ways of approaching these themes. There are some attempts meant to show the continuity and the coherence of rationalism in modern politics. Others, as conservatism, postmodern pragmatism or decisionism strongly criticize rationalism. Some theories, as in the case of rational choice theory, or of critical differentialism, try to adjust the rationalistic view, so that it could match with a certain part of political life. These critical prospects, together with those meant to adjust rationalism, do have consistent arguments pleading that rationalism could no longer be seen as the only or the absolutely certain lens, offered by modern political theory, supposed to observe, legitimate and evaluate politics correctly.Referințe
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