
  • ELLA V. MAMONTOVA Professor of Regional Policy and Public Administration Chair, Doctor of Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the NAPA under the President of Ukraine (ORIPA NAPA). Paper presented during the international conference „European Union – Crises and Borders in XXI Century”, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, May 19, 2017.

Cuvinte cheie:

state protocol, public administration, political communication, symbol, interstate dialogue.


The specificity of state protocol and ceremony as a symbolic structure of policy and component of public administration are defined. Been defined on this basis, the role and place of state protocol and ceremony in the system of political communication. The state protocol is the form that reflect any foreign policy action. From one side it’s structure, rules and norms are based on the principle of respecting for the state’s symbols («principle of international politeness»). Seniority principle is another important aspect of state protocol logic. Both of these principles give us a perfect noninstitutionalized instrument of political influence from state protocol. Symbolization of current geopolitical hierarchy and it’s separation from any conflict situations are that powerful mechanism of state protocol, which describes in this article. State protocol in foreign policy is a complex method based on huge amount of symbolic practices, which are using for demonstration of respect to/for another states, without reputational risks. State protocol is a semiotic system. It could be used for resolving problems in tactical and strategical plan of foreign policy. State protocol is a semiotic system. It could be used for resolving problems in tactical and strategical plan of foreign policy. So, state protocol could be described not only as diplomatically instrument, but, also as a leading resource in recognition of state sovereignty and protection of its positions among another states in international arena. In the same time, we couldn't describe state protocol as a cosmopolitican phenomenon, ignoring it’s national context. Behavioral models that were formed by national ethical traditions and ceremonials, give us possibilities to evaluate and enrich modern state protocol practice. That guarantees to us future interstate dialogue in the context of fast transformation of geopolitical architecture nowadays.


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