
  • MARIUS HRISCU PhD candidate Faculty of History Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

Nicolae Titulescu, Romania, Romanian Treasure, Moscow, Russia.


In the autumn of 1916, after the occupation of the greatest part of our country’s territory by the Central Powers, the leadership of the state, the central institutions and a great part of the population took refuge in Iasi. In these conditions it was decided the transportation of the Romanian treasure in Moscow. 
I.C.Bratianu government, with Nicolae Titulescu (minister of finances between July 10, 1917 and January 26, 1918), was especially accused for sending,on July 27/August 9 1917, the second charge of the Romanian treasure in Moscow after the start of the Bolshevic Revolution in 1917 when the internal conditions in Russia had deteriorated.
We consider these accusations ungrounded as at that moment the Romanian government, the prime-minister particularly had no other choice. If the treasure had remained in the country, there would have been the risk to be captured by the armies of the Central Powers. We share the opinion that the risk would not have been eliminated if the treasure had been transported at large distances, in Great Britain, United States of America, or Japan. For this reason, the allied states refused to guarantee the transportation of the Romanian treasure. On the other hand, from Titulescu’s statements results that the transportation of the Romanian treasure in Moscow had been thought as a temporary solution, being sent later in another country. 
The problem of the Romanian treasure in Moscow keeps on stir ring the interest of the political authorities, historians and of a large audience and it is a moment of the political relations between Romania and Russia.


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