
  • OVIDIU GHERASIM-PROCA PhD, university lecturer Department of Political Science Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

social-democracy, Marxist political theory, communism, development, authenticity


The pre-communist history of Romanian social democracy might be understood by the means of a strange dilemma. Certainly, at the source of its many trials and tribulations was the contradictory tendency of the labor leaders to search for social emancipation by political means in spite the lack of genuine social support. Without significant political power, the main contribution of Romanian socialist project was, in the first place, a theoretical one: the interpretation of the effects engendered by the elite shallow modernization enterprises in the social context of Eastern Europe, evidently from a Marxist standpoint. Our paper presents some of the key elements of the intellectual debate concerning the role of socialist movements in underdeveloped countries in order to emphasize the discontinuity between the pre-communist antecedents and the post-communist social democratic experience


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