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centrifugal democracy, civil society, democratic consolidation, Eastern European democracy, democratic security and developmentRezumat
The relation between democracy and civil society is sustained by historical evidence of the 1980's and 1990's. We can observe a strong positive correlation between social variables and the level of democracy. For our comparative case studies we can confirm the test hypothesis with p(x)= 0.99 and the significance level e= 0.01 In this context, linear and nonlinear equations have a median value around 0,81 between civil society, social actions, free media and democratic consolidation. This paper aims to develop an analytical model for explaining the relation between civil society and democratic consolidation. Thus, we want to underline the catalyst role played by civil society in the emergence of democratic order. The research method is the comparative case study between Poland and Czech Republic, as representatives' countries of what we have named "centrifugal model of democratic consolidation".
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