On the Value of „Common Sense” as a Means of Detecting Misinformation
Mots-clés :
common sense, misinformation, disinformation, journalistic discourse, information freedomRésumé
The optimism with which the development of major Web 2.0 platforms was greeted in the first decade of the 21st century has been progressively replaced by skepticism and even by major concerns about the ability of new media oligopolies to seize control over public discourse and to use it without much consideration for the public good. Nowadays, the topic of „fake news” creates obsessive anxiety. Various experts and numerous organizations were called upon to contribute to speech verification and control initiatives promoted by the public authority. However, the fact that such initiatives implicitly claim an epistemic superiority that the supposed victims of disinformation tend not to recognize highlights the value of approaches more receptive to the idea of epistemic equality. The following article investigates the usefulness of a means of intersubjective knowledge as accessible as it is frequently ignored or challenged by scientists: the common sense. I will argue in favor of the hypothesis that common sense can help spontaneously detect disinformation interventions of a specific variety.
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