
  • EMANUEL ZANOSCHI Drd. Emanuel Zanoschi, Facultatea de Filosofie și Științe Social-Politice, Departamentul Științe Politice și Relații Internaționale și Studii Europene

Mots-clés :

e-Government, blockchain, public administration, digitalization


Current technologies are advancing day by day more and more. In the context of the Covid Crisis 19, digitalization has taken another form, transforming from a desideratum into a practical necessity of everyday life. The most important areas have moved into the digital sphere, with recommendations from the authorities to encourage teleworking and online education. But now we are facing an internet revolution. There are specialists who predict that a new technology, blockchain, will change the face of the internet as we know it today. Along with another important resource that has sparked much geopolitical controversy (the introduction of 5G data transmission) Blockchain has the potential, through the tools it offers, to change the standard of entire sectors of the economy, such as health, transportation, education but and the way we use money today. In this article we will consider a definition of this technology, we will explore the premises of this wave and we will try to highlight some implications of these new tools.


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