Mots-clés :
electoral behavior, ideological vote, inflation rate, political cognition, economic stabilityRésumé
This paper presents several features of the Romanian electoral process. At the theoretical level, the study presents the main theoretical directions for exploring political behaviour. The recent theoretical perspectives underline the role played by cognitive and ideological variables in shaping electoral behaviour. At the empirical level, the study proposes the analyses of the Romanian parliamentary elections among 2000-2016. In this context, we have tested the relationship between: voter turnout, white and null votes, ideological vote, unemployment rate and inflation rate. The statistical results reflect a positive correlations between voter turnout and ideological vote (R2= 0.717, p = 0.01) and inflation rate (R2= 0.632, p = 0.03). Thus, at the behavioural level we can stress the hybrid model based on ideological beliefs and economic interest.Références
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