
  • SILVIU PETRU GRECU Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Sciences, International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, University “Al.I.Cuza”, Iasi.

Mots-clés :

political personality, political profile, dominant personality, narcisism, cognitive style, self-image


The aim of this study is to compare political and psychological profiles of three contemporary leaders: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. Secondary data were extracted from Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, regarding several variables from Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria as: expressive behavior, interpersonal conduct, cognitive style, mood/temperament, self-image. The study intends to identify several psychobiographical perspectives and political profiles for understanding the main vectors associated to political personality. We have observed two main features of leaders behavior: dominant and ambitious personality ( μ=15, σ=4.58, t=5.669, p<0.05 ) with elements of sadism and narcissism (μ=14, σ=5.58, t=4.5, p=0.05). Only in the case of totalitarian leadership, the case of Kim Jong-un,  we have observed antisocial features ( μ=7, σ=3.40, t=3.5, p>0.05). All these personality features affect directly the cognitive style and self-image (r2 = 0.96), with consequences in the plan of domestic politics or international relations. Thus, aggresivity and narcissism are two pillars around which is crystalized authoritarian personality.


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