
  • BOGDAN CONSTANTIN MIHAILESCU Lector universitar doctor, Departamentul de Stiinţe Politice, Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene, Facultatea de Filosofie şi Știinţe Social-Politice, Universitatea ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi

Mots-clés :

conservatism, communitarianism, social justice, merit, morals, tradition, virtue


For conservatism, prudence and respecting the traditions of a community are better instruments for maintaining or searching justice, than the fiery quest of some abstract ideals, products of an universalistic political rationalism and of an individualistic philosophy. Hereby, on the one hand, you are protected from the errors or the disasters that the great projects, ideologies or reforms may involve, and, on the other hand, you are closer by benchmarks validated by experience. At the same time, this attitude also emerges from the fact that you understand that being part of a community and of a certain history is a decisive thing. This issue is also underlined within communitarianism. Here are various orientations, especially one, close to the conservative view, which emphasizes the tradition of virtue, tradition which pleads for an understanding of justice as merit. Thus, here, within the preoccupations for comprehending the importance of traditions, mainly of those related to morals, virtue communitarianism meets conservatism, together offering an interesting philosophy of justice.


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