
  • ANA-MARIA BOLBORICI PhD Lecturer, Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Department of Social Science and Communication. E-mail:

Mots-clés :

security, security complex, threats, vulnerabilities


The end of the Cold War has generated a series of changes regarding the national / international environmental of security, which gradually developed an pluralistic terminological approach. This paper try to offer a short theoretical approach underlying the gradually tendencies in changes the definitions of security concept and, subsequently, the major riscs at the world level. Today, the security concept it redefines almost by itself, giving for the first time importance of some factors such as: economic, social, cultural, political, environment and others. The paper describe, also, the military and non-military dimensions of concept defines security as far as theoreticians consider normal to redefines the concept of threats and vulnerabilities, underlining that the security of human communities is affected by various factors in major sectors and also in the the private lives of people. The concrete threats to national security and / or international bodies we face today are: the increasing the number of immigrants and refugees, ethnic clashes, the growing importance of cultural and religious affiliation in international relations, the environmental degradation, the integration in different regional structures etc. Security is the freedom to live and work in the absence of any threat and the ability of states and societies to preserve their distinct identity; providing in this century the security of the individuals belonging to the state is a challenge and this impose some reflections about the ways of managing this reality.


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