
  • ADRIAN BOJENOIU PhD degree in Philosophy, University of Bucharest postdoctoral studies. Email address:, This work was cofinaced from the European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, project number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140863, Competitive Researchers in Europe in the Field of Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences. A Multi-regional Research Network.

Mots-clés :

communication, relations, power, virtual knowledge


The implicit foundation of communication in the contemporary society is that we live in a world of relationships, that the relationships are the ultimate background of reality. The theoretical model of communication based on building relationships that replaced the model of information transmission produces an ontological change in the representation of the world. This is duet o the fact that, different from the former image of the world having its principle outside it, in the transcendence or from that of the immanent metaphor of world, that of essence-core and phenomenon-peel, the corollary of the current representation of world as a web of relationships is an ontology embodied in virtual reality and communication and exchange relationships. Not any exchange is actually communication, just like not any communication is an exchange, but more generally, all are relationships and relationship adjustment. Complex dialectics raise between power and communication. Power becomes important when communication is missing or disputable, when there is no dialogue or negotiation, when the contracts are breached. On the other hand, communication is important as soon as the power is weaker, namely when its pyramidal structure disintegrates. The modern society has mainly evolved to this direction of power dissemination: to delegate, to leave the power to someone according to the social control. Political imposition of communication seems to be the most direct consequence of such dissemination of power. The triumph of communication in the power dissolution is due to the ideal of fluidisation. What is happening now is that we move out of the comfortable episteme of knowledge and we settle in the uncomfortably fluid episteme of communication.


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