Considerations Concerning the Use of Social Capital Theories in European Studies (in Romanian)


  • MARIN GHERMAN Doctoral student in Political Science at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,

Mots-clés :

Social capital, Processes of European integration, European Studies,


The present study analyzes the perspective of the applicability of social capital theory in European studies. It's about studying the current processes of European integration in terms of development of social capital (trust, communication, social norms and standards). The author highlights the need for usage of social capital concept in political science in order to assess the effectiveness of European integration at the national level. It is analyzed the gap between classical theories of European integration and the concept of social capital. The study analyzes the conceptual interconnections between social capital theories of European integration and the possibility of creating a synergistic vision on the current European integration processes. Relevance of the topic is of significant importance for post-socialist societies, where European integration processes are evolving in the context of democratization and Europeanization.


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