The Dichotomy of State Fragility. Rethinking the General Views and Particularities
Mots-clés :
State, Moderate fragility, Severe fragility, DichotomyRésumé
In this paper, one examines the state fragility phenomenon through a new pair of cognitive lenses. First, one argues that the world has always been divided into developed, less developed and underdeveloped states, but the chosen criteria for this issue cannot claim for completeness. Second, the new unit of classification proposed in this study, creates a new argument grounded in contemporary literature and social events and seeks to demonstrate that the new global social and financial unrest have shifted the paradigms of stability and development, and it has changed the iconic developed states into fragile states. Upon a theoretical background on the meaning of state fragility, one attempts to validate the dual peculiarity of this issue as a phenomenon, by introducing two new concepts, namely the moderate and severe state fragility. One has analysed these items according to the social and political status of several countries, in order to extract a series of particularities related to state prerequisite.Références
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