Mots-clés :
political system, political regime, form of State, form of government, structure, statalityRésumé
The State political variables (the State institutional “alphabet”), as we called the elements of State institutional clarification in the terminological vocabulary of political theory, represent a necessary approach, as in both the academic and the intellectual environments, they are not a preoccupation by itself, often engendering confusions and forced interpretations. Some of the local specialists, but also of the western ones, have neglected these terms, all the more so as the political theory borders, in this case, on the juridical discipline that studies the political institutions, assumed by the constitutionalists. The political regime and system, the form of state and the form of government, the structure and the statality and their defining elements must be seen today from a comparative, interdisciplinary standpoint. The article inquires, at a conceptual level, the integration into a terminological taxonomy and underlines the relations between these terms through a double perspective: a politological and a legal one. As the American comparatists underline, the different evolution of the contemporary world, from the point of view of the institutional architecture, inside the State, has always generated different forms and different templates to read the State institutional “alphabet”. The change of meaning of these terms has evolved over the last century and especially over the last 50 years, following the modification of the political praxis, the merging of the classical forms of State, and particularly the predisposition of the liberal democracies to search institutional legitimacy and to always anticipate the relations between the State institutions, the citizen and the society
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