Ipostaze ale liberalismului politic rawlsian


  • Bogdan Constantin Mihailescu PhD, University lecturer, Department of Political Science, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi


liberalism, legitimacy, consensus, justice, democracy


Political Liberalism doesn't offer just a simple particularization of the rawlsian justice theory, which has been announced in Theory of Justice, but, in the same time, an approach of liberalism through a new strategy, and also a research of a completely different subject. Nevertheless, in a remarkable way, Rawls succeeds in distancing himself from traditional political philosophy, without embracing the post-Enlightenment contextualist political theory.


Robert A. Dahl, "Dezvoltare si cultura democratica", in Larry Diamond, YunhanChu, Marc F. Plattner, Hung-mao Tien (coord.), Cum se consolideaza democratia, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2004

Burton Dreben, "On Rawls and Political Liberalism" in Samuel Richard Freeman (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, Cambridge University Press, 2003

Gerald Gaus, Contemporary Theories of Liberalism, Sage Publication, 2003

John Gray, Enlightenment’s Wake. Politics and culture at the close of the modern age,

Routledge, 2002

Amy Gutman, "John Rawls", in Dictionarul marilor ganditori politici ai secolului XX, Editura Artemis, 2002

Paul Kelly, Liberalism, Polity Press, 2005

Juan Linz si Alfred Stepan, "Drumul catre o democratie consolidata", in Larry Diamond,Yun-han Chu, Marc F. Plattner, Hung-mao Tien (coord.), Cum se consolideaza democratia, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2004

John Rawls, A Theory Of Justice, Harvard University Press, 2005

John Rawls, Political Liberalism, Columbia University Press, New York, 1993

