uncertainty, political epistemology, transdisciplinarity, models, scientific knowledge, objectivity, political sciencesAbstract
The aim of this article is to underline the main transformations of scientific knowledge in social and political epistemology. In this context the article wants to focus upon three main directions: uncertainty of scientific knowledge, inter and trans-disciplinarily and also the possibility of optimization the scientific design of political inquiry through quantitative or mathematical models. The main objective of this paper is to observe to the normative level the possibility of mathematical optimization of the social scientific research. Therefore, in the post-modern context we can observe a lot of influences between different disciplines or sciences. This manner of understanding the reality is not only properly for natural sciences. Social and political sciences have started to use mathematical algorithms or econometric models for a high level of objectivity in specific design of research. We try to advocate for mathematical optimization of scientific knowledge in the context of relativity and uncertainty.
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