Limitele comunicării simbolice. O analiză situațională din perspectivă pragmatică


  • Eugenia BOGATU Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Chișinău


, symbolic communication, creative language, pragmatic analysis, meaning, intentionality, interpretative situation


Trough the symbolic dimension of communication, the human being is escaping from the determinations of the pragmatic world. The universe of symbols represents a complex result of the communication (creative) forms and of subjective interactions. The symbols have signification only in the frame of a certain intentionality and (pre)codification. The symbolic mediation forms a kind of automatism which regulates the inter-subjective manifestations of the human beings. In this context, we should understand the symbolic / creative language as being an assembly of cultural / creative products (mythical, religious, artistic, linguistic, scientific etc.), by which the human being acts upon the real world. The entire society can be perceived as a kind of mediator between sign and image, signified and signifier. Inside a symbol, the form and the sense are inseparable. Each expression, each formulation represents a symbol of the creative thinking, outside translated / manifested. In this way, the (creative) language itself represents a type of specific symbolism. Between the use of the words and the use of the figurative symbols it shouldn't be any type of opposition, they should be complementary. Generally speaking, the form of the language is analytical, discursive, as the human rationality to whom the language is belonging, as a specific instrument. The highest truths, impossible to be communicated by any other mean, become communicable or transmissible till a certain point if they are incorporated in symbols. But, without doubt, these symbols will dissimulate / hide their meanings to many people, unable to assume them plenary. Absolutely speaking, any external form is not necessary. All of them are contingent and accidental reported to what they are expressing or representing.


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