
  • Ioana-Maria COZMA Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi


Advertising, Interpersonal communication, Decision-making, Archetype, Legitimacy


Recently, traditional advertising has lost a great deal of its credibility. In fact, other types of discourses are believed to have a better impact when it comes to influencing the consumers’ decisions, such as interpersonal communication. That is the main reason why the modern forms of advertising have created for themselves an aura of communion and interaction, meant to spur the buying process. However, it is also the intention of advertising to gain its legitimacy in the public space, to be perceived more as a rightful speaker and less as a means of disseminating paid messages. We believe that most of the features for which advertising yearns in order to create itself a new persona, are features of interpersonal communication. The purpose of this article is to show how these characteristics can be employed by advertising in its pursuit of legitimacy and credibility.


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