
  • Lucian SFETCU



Gig Economy; Platform Work; European Union; Employment Status Classification; Algorithmic Management; Labour Protections; Social Security; Directive on Platform Work


The gig economy in the European Union (EU) has significantly transformed traditional labour markets, prompting critical discussions about worker rights and protections. This article presents a narrative review of the literature on gig work within the EU, focusing on the Platform Work Directive. It explores the challenges of employment status classification, rights and protections for gig workers, the role of algorithmic management, social security inclusion, the impact on platform companies, and policy implications. By synthesizing existing research, the article highlights the broader policy implications for labour protection across the EU and considers potential future developments in this rapidly evolving sector.

Author Biography


Lecturer, PhD., Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania


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