




public policy, politics, sustainable development, violence, teenage mother, poverty, migration


This public policy proposal highlights the challenges faced by women in Iași County, including violence, teenage motherhood, issues related to women working abroad, poverty among women, and their underrepresentation in local politics. It outlines a general action framework involving various stakeholders, such as public institutions, non-governmental organizations, and professional groups. The proposal sets goals and objectives aligned with the principles, norms, and values of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The public policy proposal is organized into five sections. The first section introduces gender issues in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the European Strategy on Gender Equality 2020-2025, Romania’s Sustainable Development Strategy, and the National Strategy for promoting equal opportunities and treatment for women and men and for preventing and combating domestic violence for 2018-2021. The second section provides an analysis of the most severe issues facing women in Iași County, including various forms of violence, teenage motherhood, women working abroad and leaving children behind, how poverty affects women, and their underrepresentation in political decision-making roles. Section three outlines the proposal’s goals, general and specific objectives, and identifies the direct and indirect beneficiaries. Section four discusses potential solutions to the identified problems, using SWOT analysis for each proposed option, and presents the rationale for selecting the implementation option, including an assessment of its economic, social, and environmental impact. Section five suggests a consultation framework for adopting the public policy proposal, and summarizes the post-adoption measures.

Author Biography


Ciprian IFTIMOAEI is Associate Professor Ph.D, director of the Department of Political Sciences within the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences of "Petre Andrei" University in Iași and Deputy-Director of Iași Country Directorate of Statistics. During 2014-2015 he was a postdoctoral researcher with a scholarship awarded through the project "Young successful researchers - professional development in a multidisciplinary and international context", implemented by the "Babeş-Bolyai" University in Cluj-Napoca in partnership with the Romanian Academy-Cluj Branch, University of Bucharest, University "Al.I. Cuza" from Iasi and the West University from Timisoara, financed by the Special Operational Program Human Resources Development of the European Union. During his studies he benefited from scholarships and specializations in Hungary (1998), Holland (1999), Poland (2000), Lithuania (2001), France (2007), Bulgaria and Turkey (2010), Belgium (2014), Austria (2015). He published 4 author's books, over 60 articles, and studies in indexed magazines WoS, BDI, and collective volumes; he contributed with research papers to 4 international conferences held abroad (Poland, Republic of Moldova, Greece, Belgium), 35 international conferences held in the country, 24 national sessions of scientific communications. The research activity includes participation as an expert in 26 research projects and consultancy grants. He is a permanent contributor to the daily newspaper "Ziarul de Iaşi", "Adevărul" and the online journal "România Socială". During 2007-2009 he was the Prefect of Vaslui County. In 2021, he received from the National Institute of Statistics a special award for his contribution to the dissemination of official statistics and to the development of statistical culture. His most recent published work is The Sociology of Elites. Classical and contemporary approaches, European Institute Publishing House, Iași, 2023.


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