



victim, coping, difficulty, warning signs, violence, support


In today's society, seeking psychological counseling or therapy remains a stigmatized topic. Often, individuals face negative perceptions from others who do not recognize the benefits of counseling, making it even more challenging to seek help. Furthermore, the main purpose of counseling is to support clients in understanding and clarifying their perspectives on life and their environment. Thus, it facilitates better information regarding possible solutions for emotional and interpersonal problems. Through this bachelor’s thesis, I aimed to identify the reasons behind women’s acceptance of certain risky situations, including domestic violence, highlight the main warning signs of these risky situations, and discover the coping strategies women generally use, especially those with violent partners. To achieve my objectives, I interviewed five victims who are beneficiaries of the Social Services Center for Adults in Difficulty: Emergency Reception Center for Victims of Domestic Violence, Iași.

Author Biography


Mereuță Alexandra Elisa, master's student in Family and Family Resource Management at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences. Previously, she completed her bachelor's studies in Social Work at the same faculty. At the same time, she has volunteered at several centers under the coordination of DGASPC Iași, and she has also participated in activities directed by ASCOR at the Maximum Security Penitentiary in Iași.


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