



traditional mentality, aggressor, legislative measures, frustrations, helplessness, support, protection.


Violence against women is a large-scale phenomenon in contemporary society, the number of women abused in a couple's relationship is constantly increasing. Even though in recent years there have been significant changes regarding the distribution of roles in the family, and the differences between men and women have narrowed considerably, there are still men with traditional mindsets who place women in a spot of inferiority, women's capabilities and aspirations being treated with superficiality or even with indifference.

The investigative approach consisted of qualitative research, with an interview guide, applied to 20 women involved in abusive relationships. The qualitative research was conducted in the "Children of Jesus" Day Center in Reșița Municipality. The purpose of the study is to determine the main reasons causing victims of domestic violence not to end the abusive relationship. The results of the research demonstrate the difficulties faced by victims of domestic violence and the need to adopt legislative measures to protect victims and apply strict sanctions to domestic abusers.

Author Biographies


Oana-Lavinia Bercsenyi is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babeş-Bolyai University, CUUBB Reșița. Bachelor's degree in Social Work (2016), she graduated from the Master's program in Management of Social Assistance Services (2018), and her doctorate was obtained in the field of Sociology at the West University of Timișoara (2021) with the theme Systemic approach to domestic violence. Challenges and solutions. He has published several scientific papers in fields such as sociology, and social work, the topics addressed being violence in the family environment, social services for victims of domestic violence, and the phenomenon of school dropout in contemporary society.


Lavinia Elisabeta Popp is a professor at the Department of Social Assistance, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babeş-Bolyai University, CUUBB Reșita. Her research interests are in the field of studies related to unemployment, family, and domestic violence, especially targeting the relationship of unemployed youth with the labor market in its various forms of transition, being involved in various research projects on the labor force. Graduated in Social Work (2004), graduated from the master's programs in Educational Marketing Management (2006) and Family Resource Management and Family (2010), and obtained her doctorate in the field of Sociology at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Iaşi (2008). Her professional training was completed by obtaining a qualification in Sociology at the West University of Timișoara. Since 2018, she has been the PhD supervisor in the field of Sociology. She was president of the Caraş-Severin Branch of the National College of Social Workers in Romania (2012-2022) and director of the Career Counseling and Guidance Center (CCOC) (2009-2021). She was granted by the National College of Social Workers in Romania, the Personality of the Year award in the promotion of education and training in social work (2015).


Gabriela-Felicia Georgevici is a Lecturer PhD in the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babeș-Bolyai University, CUUBB Reșița. She graduated in Social Work at the West University of Timisoara (2003), she obtained a Master’s degree in human resources management (2005) and her PhD in Sociology at the University of Oradea (2011), with the title of her PhD thesis:” Science and Social Reform. Social Institute Banat-Crișana past, present and research perspectives”. She has published chapters in books and articles in the field of sociology and social work: family social work, protection of children’s rights, social work for drug addicts, and elderly protection.


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