



family, violence, consequences, resources, services.


Domestic violence represents a worldwide problem, being present in the privacy of many families. This issue is viewed and treated differently, from one country to another, depending on the social, legal, cultural, and political codes of the society.

The necessity of empirical research in the field of providing services to victims of domestic violence is highlighted both by the numerous changes imposed through the regulatory framework and by the need to have an overview of the quality of services offered by the state system.

The mixed research (quantitative and qualitative - utilizing secondary data analysis and the case study method) was conducted at the Center for Social Services for Adults in Difficulty within the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection in Iași throughout the year 2022. The present research aimed to identify the consequences of domestic violence on nuclear families. The study aimed to identify the triggering factors of domestic violence, determine the main types of violence to which victims are subjected, and identify the role and importance of social services in the lives of victims. The paper highlights the importance and role of social services offered to victims, which will be quantified over time, as well as the need to improve the current system.

Author Biography


Frunză Mădălina, practicum social worker - General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Iasi. In 2010, I graduated from the courses of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, majoring in finance banking, and I worked for more than 8 years in the banking system, but I was also actively involved in the life of the community in which are part I have always felt that my mission is to help/guide the vulnerable, which is why I graduated in 2021 from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, majoring in Social Work.


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