



gender violence, domestic violence crimes, legislative measures, recurrence of violence against the same woman


The judicial proceedings that are generated by violence against women registered significant increases at the level of the courts of the Court of Appeal Iași, from 2019 to 2023, according to the statistical data provided by the ECRIS computer application, used for the efficient management of cases.

                In the case of domestic violence crimes, statistics have shown that women are the victims in most of the cases, whether there is an injury to bodily integrity or health, or even their death. Thus, at the level of the local courts in Iași and Vaslui counties, it was found that, within 5 years, 82% of the family violence crimes had women as victims.

There are many cases in which violence against women takes on forms of high danger, both by the materiality of the acts done by the aggressors and by their extension in time, and the recent casuistry has revealed that there are recurrences on the same victim by the same aggressor.

 Although the protection orders are increasing significantly and their number has been double, the criminal persistence, by violating the protection order repeatedly, indicates the need to analyze the efficiency of the current legal instruments in reducing domestic violence against women.

Author Biography


PhD student, Assistant professor, associate professor at the Faculty of Law, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Department of Public Law, the subject of Special Criminal Law; specialized judge in criminal matters, the President of the Court of Appeal Iași,


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