democratic deficit, EU, Magnette’s approach, accountability, legitimacyAbstract
In this paper we are analyzing the problem of the democratic deficit, which makes the European Union to look more like a strange spaceship rather than an institution created by people for the sake of mutual cooperation and peace-raising in Europe. The fact that the European citizens are more concerned about their national elections and they pay less attention to the elections for the European Parliament has to be explained by the lack of real communication between the EU institutions and the people, or by that high degree of bureaucratization which characterizes the actual structures of the EU. It is very hard for the citizens to keep accountability of the European high-level decisions, as well as for decision makers to justify every step towards millions of people who are targeted by these. We are following the Paul Magnette’s approach to have an insight view of the situation and, while trying to solve it, we must not at all forget that this problem is not a false one, but a real issue of legitimacy of European institutions in the people’s eyes.References
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